
Solar Services

Space Coast Solar Services offers a variety of different services in order to help you improve the energy efficiency of your home and reduce your electricity bills.

Solar Panels

As our company name suggests, we specialize in solar panels. We offer full home solar systems that can power your entire home. We can do this by installing solar panels on your roof, a space that is otherwise often unused. The solar panels can then soak up the copious amounts of sunshine available in Florida, which is aptly known as the Sunshine State. By using solar power instead of power from the electric grid, your home can use a cleaner form of energy. Plus, solar energy is free, so once you’ve paid for the cost of the solar panels and their installation, the savings on electricity costs eventually mean that the panels pay for themselves.

Another benefit of going solar is that you can also receive tax credits from the government. On top of not having to pay for the electricity generated by your solar panels, you can also get tax breaks.

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Solar Panels
Generac Full Home Generators

Generac Full Home Generators

Unless your home is off the grid completely, solar panels are set up to shut off whenever the electric grid goes down. This is because solar panels would continue sending power into the electric lines and that can be dangerous for electrical workers trying to repair the electrical grid. For that reason, it’s a good idea to have a full home generator installed that can take over as a backup power source if the electrical grid goes down. In Florida, this is important because hurricanes can knock out the power for entire cities as well as damage solar panels.

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Tesla Power Wall

Buying an electric car is an excellent way to save money on gas over time and to also help the environment. It’s important to be able to charge your car at home. We can help you do that by installing a Tesla power wall in a place convenient for access to your car.

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Tesla Power Wall
Energy Efficient Roofs and Windows

Energy Efficient Roofs and Windows

Having solar panels is a great way to save on electricity bills and help the environment at the same time. However, this alone isn’t enough. It’s also a good idea to reduce the amount of energy your home needs to use in order to keep everything powered and running. For example, improving the energy efficiency of your roof and the windows can reduce how hard your HVAC and other systems have to work in order to keep your home warm or cool. HVAC and other systems that have to work hard use more energy. The more energy they have to use, the more power is drawn from the solar panels, which increases the chances of needing to dip into the electrical grid for power, which costs money.

We offer roofing and window services to help keep your home as energy-efficient as possible. Our hurricane windows and energy-efficient roofing materials can help to reduce the amount of energy needed to keep your home comfortable for you year-round.

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